Let There Be Light … Only There Wasn’t

Well there wasn’t in this part of East Kilbride this morning.

I could have understood a power cut on Monday when there was 4 inches of snow on the ground but it came as a totally surprise to me and the neighbours this morning.

They were all out scraping their cars when I ventured out into the garage – that is where the electricity meter is – to see if a fuse had blown.  All the fuses where fine but the disk on the meter wasn’t turning at all.  Carefully crossing the icy garden I soon discovered that it wasn’t just the Rectory that was without electricity.  Now I don’t know if you have ever experienced a power cut recently but trying to find a phone number to find out what is going on is a bit of a faff.  Eventually, having no Internet connection, because I had no electricity, I phoned Hubby on the mobile – because of course neither of the phone lines were any use because the phones need electricity to work – to get him to try and find out if there was anything on-line.  There wasn’t but he did find a phone number so another quick phone call later, I discovered that they hoped to get it working again by noon. 

And indeed it is back on, otherwise I couldn’t be posting this.

But why oh why isn’t there an easily obtainable phone number for electricity emergencies as there is for Gas ones?

Even now knowing the number I can’t find it anywhere in the phone book and with no Internet access and the phone number directory inquiries gave being the wrong one; it just put me onto an automated system which was no help; being able to report the problem or find out what was going on was made difficult.  So for those of you reading this who might live in the Central or Southern Scotland the number to phone should the same ever happen to you is 08452727999.  Write it down somewhere because remember this, if you use broadband, which most of us now do, you wont be able to get on-line to find it, until your power is restored!

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