Upon the death of Queen Elizabeth II

From Treetops to Balmoral
and all places in between;
she humbly served both God and state,
the second Elizabethan Queen.
Now like all created order
this life too has reached its end.

Three score regnal years and ten
of gentle, faithful presence. 
All nations turn acknowledging,
transitional epoch and essence.
Life goes on, the sceptre passed
morphing the acclaim to alien.

The glens and purple heather
attended her closing hours.
The leek and rose bowed their heads
the sky replied with showers.
And mortal flesh gave up its last,
rest in peace God’s precious child.

A mother’s tears now all shed
for family, friends, and nation.
A woman who has loved and lost
known joys, deep faith and exaltation.
A human soul, precious, beloved
now with her Lord abiding.

Queen Elizabeth II on her coronation.

This poem is purposefully written with the last two lines in each stanza jarring to emphasise the way death and grief disrupts and impacts on the lives those of us who are left.

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